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View Full Version : Uncle Horace

08-14-2018, 06:20 AM
I was "adopted", i.e taken into the fold of a rather large family of Lumbee Indians. One of my favorites is Uncle Horace. He is a retired stockbroker and successful businessman who drives a Cadillac and smokes cigars the size of broom handles
Yesterday Uncle Horace came to town to help move one of his brothers from one assisted living facility to a better one a few blocks away. Afterward he and his wife and I were sitting in another family member's coffee shop when a coon walked in wanting to rent a room at the family's motel next door. Chimpy left and Uncle Horace turned to me and said, "People are raising a stink about our President using the "N-word". Well, Hell, I use it several hundred times a day. That thing that just left was a nigger."