View Full Version : Both times I turned on the TV today exposed me to niggers, and I have a solution

08-13-2018, 05:45 PM
I wish instead of TVs turning on to the last channel, they had an option to stay blank until a channel is chosen. On my day off when I wanted to watch local news, the first thing I saw was a trash talk show with a she-nig babbling what I could never hope to understand. The bottom of the screen explained it was accusing its buck of doing drugs and muh dikking their niglet, like that's anything unusual.

Then this afternoon I turned the TV on, and it was that Williams sow, not the tennis ape, the other one. "I BEEZ SO HANGRY!"

If I ever got elected president, I'd push through a true Fairness Doctrine: the percentage of niggertime can be no more than their percentage of the population, and only in the middle of the night when groids are awake and most active.

Cracka Jack
08-13-2018, 05:50 PM
Kill your TeeVee.

Rape Ape
08-13-2018, 07:14 PM
If I ever got elected president, I'd push through a true Fairness Doctrine: the percentage of niggertime can be no more than their percentage of the population, and only in the middle of the night when groids are awake and most active.

And only displayed on prison TVs. :lol