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View Full Version : Moonbat Chloe Wright acts like a nigger over a Trump sticker

08-01-2018, 09:42 PM
HYANNIS (CBS) – A driver rammed by a car believes he was targeted because he had a President Trump bumper sticker on his SUV. A woman from Taunton is facing charges.

“I could hear her screaming out of the car or something, so I thought man maybe something’s wrong with my car,” said the man who did not want to be identified. “I get out, all of a sudden I hear, ‘you’re racist’ a bunch of cuss words.”


Cracka Jack
08-01-2018, 09:50 PM
Trump anxiety disorder..


They can't bring themselves to say TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

What descriptive moniker would Turtleboy apply to that batshit crazy skank?

SC Anemia
08-01-2018, 11:22 PM
So I'm looking at the picture of this psychosaurus...


...and my first thought was that this ^^^ is what's staring at you when come home too late from the poker game with the boys. Yikes

SC Anemia
08-01-2018, 11:23 PM
Or other equally egregious crimes like leaving the seat up. :lol

Cracka Jack
08-02-2018, 11:26 AM
So I'm looking at the picture of this psychosaurus...


...and my first thought was that this ^^^ is what's staring at you when come home too late from the poker game with the boys. Yikes

That's when you....

Slip out the back Jack
Make a new plan Stan
You don't need to be coy Roy
Just get yourself free...

:lol Better than waking up with a butcher knife between your shoulder blades....

Cat fur allergic
08-02-2018, 12:16 PM
Looks batshit insane for sure.