View Full Version : Closing for renovations during a nigger-fest is racist..

07-29-2018, 08:32 PM
When a Downtown bar announced on Facebook it would close Friday and Saturday for renovations, the post was flooded with accusations of racism because the closure coincided with the Cincinnati Music Festival.

Friday morning, the post on the Knockback Nats Facebook page had over 511 comments. Many said the renovation plans were a lie, an excuse not to serve the mainly black clientele drawn to the city for the festival.


07-29-2018, 09:34 PM
I would just hang a sign that said, 'attending funeral til Monday'. I can pick anyone out of the Obits, even a nigger, if I had to. Let 'em prove otherwise.

07-30-2018, 01:07 AM
I would board it up with a phalanx of 3/4 inch steel plates. The enormous cost would pay for itself when Monday comes. All the other stores would have broken windows and holes in the walls.