View Full Version : Bus driver on Martha's Vineyard doesn't stop for a nigger, because he is a nigger..

07-13-2018, 06:25 AM
Brooks confronted the driver and asked why he passed him. The driver replied, “well, it’s because you are black.”


Odin's balls
07-13-2018, 01:34 PM
'I’ve never felt more disrespected or belittled in my life. I had trouble sleeping that night.'

Ooh, poor little tar-flake.

Spend five minutes with anyone on this plantation and feeling disrespected and belittled will seem like a far off dream.

I long for the return of the days when these things had to ride right at the back of the bus, just behind the engine compartment.

07-14-2018, 11:46 PM
What the fuck is a nigger doing around Martha's Vineyard to begin with? Isn't that where the wealthy Hillary types all live?