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View Full Version : The shit kids say

06-26-2018, 09:47 PM
When Tiger Woods was in his heyday, my friends' 4 year old son saw him on TV and yelled, "Tiger Woods is a nigger!!!" I was very proud. His parents educated him right.

Cracka Jack
06-26-2018, 10:09 PM
May their home be blessed with the pitter-patter of many little ones feet for years to come.

Purple Gummed Tree Climber
07-04-2018, 08:48 PM
Back in the 1990's, I was a mentor to a boy in the Big Brother's program. One Christmas, he asked for an Emmitt Smith jersey.
So I bought him one (he was 7 at the time), he opened it Christmas morning, and called full of excitement to thank me. He
was wearing it when I showed up to visit later Christmas day.

The following weekend, we had plans to do something on Sunday, and when I show up, he has his #22 Smith jersey on. The
TV is on, I'm talking to his mother before we leave,, and up pops a BIG picture of Emmitt Smith in his #22 jersey. The ape
does not have his helmet on.

"Tommy's" jaw drops and he points at the TV yelling "HE's BLACK". The look on his face was priceless, like when a kid sees his
dead pet goldfish flushed down the toilet.

I don't think he ever wore that jersey again... we still laugh about it today... :)