View Full Version : Boot Lip Cop shoots dog. Bullet fragment hits little human girl. Fired and off to NU.

06-26-2018, 07:49 PM
The video is sad. I have a heavy heart for the poor dog that fell into the lair of niggershines. The little girl according to the article got hit in the eye/face just cause the nog wanted pistol practice. https://www.themaven.net/pinacnews/police-brutality/watch-cop-shoots-dog-in-room-full-of-kids-hits-9-year-old-girl-in-the-face-Ev_Mc6xrAEWzmfmYYnIDaQ/

Cracka Jack
06-26-2018, 09:29 PM
A 25-30lb dog.... God damnit I hate niggers more every minute.