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View Full Version : I wish I could just run their asses over!

Cat fur allergic
06-02-2018, 10:00 AM
This nigger runs a red light and thinks I'm in the wrong. He was turning too. He literally almost hits me. I had to do a dead stop. He gives me the finger. I'm like you stupid son of a bitch. I was traveling thru a nigger area off course.

06-02-2018, 12:33 PM
20 seconds into a red light is ok to go thru for niggers.
Laws are for humans. Do turkeys obey the law? Do giraffes obey the law? Do niggers obey the law?
Welcome to the wonderful world of niggers.

06-02-2018, 01:48 PM
Why do niggers call *us* honkeys?

It's the last sound they hear before they get run over..................

Cracka Jack
06-02-2018, 02:47 PM
I've got a bungee cord hooked to the steering wheel of my pickup that pulls to the left. Keeps me from "inadvertently" driving on the shoulder or sidewalk.. :lol

06-02-2018, 04:37 PM
Niggers are the main reason you can't rent a tank, mini gun or a ma deuce. If you could there would be no more niggers in your locality.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-03-2018, 09:41 PM
That nigger needed to be reported to the PoPo.

I employ a common practice where if I even see a nigger in its hooptie, I call 9-1-1. I report the nigger for supposedly waving a pawgun, throwing a vodka bottle out the window, or smoking something white out of a glass pipe. Of course, that's all bullshit, but 99.99% of the time, any given nigger is going to be driving without insurance, a valid license, have warrants out for their arrest, have drugs, be drunk or stoned, have a gat, etc.

It is not a crime to claim you "think" you saw something illegal.

Odds are good that nigger will be stopped, something will not check out (or the nigger will chimp), and that tree pig will be hauled off to the pokey.

06-11-2018, 10:20 PM
That nigger needed to be reported to the PoPo.

I employ a common practice where if I even see a nigger in its hooptie, I call 9-1-1. I report the nigger for supposedly waving a pawgun, throwing a vodka bottle out the window, or smoking something white out of a glass pipe. Of course, that's all bullshit, but 99.99% of the time, any given nigger is going to be driving without insurance, a valid license, have warrants out for their arrest, have drugs, be drunk or stoned, have a gat, etc.

It is not a crime to claim you "think" you saw something illegal.

Odds are good that nigger will be stopped, something will not check out (or the nigger will chimp), and that tree pig will be hauled off to the pokey.

My dad and I do this sometimes. It's a lot of fun. Onetime he was with me when I had a doctor appointment in Chicago (It was for a proceedure that I was planning to have that I would need to have someone drive me home from) and we called the cops on a hooptie that pulled into the parking garage ahead of us. On our way back home an hour later (The proceedure would be a week or so later, this was just a preliminary visit) we saw the same hooptie being towed and a bunch of pavement apes in handcuffs sitting on the ground. We were laughing most of the way home!

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-13-2018, 07:33 PM
All niggers should wind up in pawcuffs and thrown into the slammer where they can't do any more harm.

Quite honestly, I will never understand how the Human majority ignores nigger destruction and depravity when it's all around them.