View Full Version : Niglets Are Self-Deleting at Twice the Rate as YT

SC Anemia
05-22-2018, 08:58 PM
African American children are taking their lives at roughly twice the rate of their white counterparts, according to a new study that shows a widening gap between the two groups.

The 2001-2015 data, published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, confirm a pattern first identified several years ago when researchers at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio found that the rate of suicides for black children ages 5 to 12 exceeded that of young whites. The results were seen in both boys and girls.

Probably because it takes 5-12 years for a niglet to become sentient enough to realize it's nothing more than a miserable shit-stain and always will be. :lol


Cracka Jack
05-22-2018, 09:58 PM
Unfortunately, niggers reproduce faster than humans. Think cockroaches and rats.

Even with the niggers dying from other niggers killing them, police shootings, and natural nigger killing diseases, they are still increasing in numbers.

Yeah.... about that. Maybe if enough YT's said FUCK YOU to their government which confiscates their life's efforts to pay for niggers... maybe then there wouldn't be such breeding among the niggers.

Sadly, all YT's seem to be more afraid of the IRS than they are of a future full of niggers.

As long as YT's are fat, happy and entertained, nothing of any meaning will be done to remove the nigger plague.

Lynch Tree
05-23-2018, 09:44 AM
This article is nothing but bullshit lies - everything I've read on the subject proves the exact opposite!

In reality, not in Washington Post Land, low IQ individuals are usually not the ones that take their own lives.

Master Sergeant
05-23-2018, 10:45 AM
Yeah.... about that. Maybe if enough YT's said FUCK YOU to their government which confiscates their life's efforts to pay for niggers... maybe then there wouldn't be such breeding among the niggers.

Sadly, all YT's seem to be more afraid of the IRS than they are of a future full of niggers.

As long as YT's are fat, happy and entertained, nothing of any meaning will be done to remove the nigger plague.

Got behind a massive she boon sow at the grocery store today. She had two carts filled to capacity then realized she lost her EBT card. The cashier said a customer turned one in and as luck had it the sow got the card and swiped it for $120.00 and off it went. If I had found the card it would have gone in my shredder. We coddle the Nigger from cradle to grave and if not for YT the Nigger would be extinct.

05-24-2018, 08:51 AM
This article is nothing but bullshit lies - everything I've read on the subject proves the exact opposite!

In reality, not in Washington Post Land, low IQ individuals are usually not the ones that take their own lives.

An attempt to dilute the rates of astronomical nigger-on-nigger crime?

I've never heard of a single case of someone as young as five self-deleting. A nigger five year old wouldn't even be smart enough to know how to do that.

And yeah LT, leeches don't voluntarily ween themselves off the teet.

Buck Simian
05-24-2018, 10:32 AM
I keep imagining Professor Farnsworth from Futurama saying that headline: Good news everyone! Niggers are killing themselves faster than humans!


05-25-2018, 06:00 PM
Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood, did so as to control the black population as she was not particularly enamored by the African race. That is why the majority of THEIR clinics are located either in or near dense black neighborhoods. I do not care if sows use abortion as birth control as long as the Negro population is being checked and it is better to do so BEFORE they become a charge on society.