View Full Version : Shocking that a quarter of NYC "corrections officers" have their own priors, and more have relatives in jail

05-20-2018, 06:50 PM
Welcome to de Blasio's NY. The inmates are literally running the prisons now.

The Department of Investigation randomly sampled 291 applicants the Department of Correction hired in 2016 and found that 83 — or 28 percent — had arrest records, including 19 busted multiple times.

Dozens of recruits were also hired despite having incarcerated relatives, a history of being fired from other jobs or other issues that should have eliminated them from consideration, the report said.

In one case cited in the new report, Torray Riles of the Bronx was hired in December 2016 despite being arrested eight months earlier for assault, menacing and harassment. In January, he was arrested on the job at Rikers Island after being busted by DOI’s K-9 unit trying to smuggle 26 grams of pot concealed in his underwear into the jail facility.


SC Anemia
05-20-2018, 09:10 PM
I worked for the DOC before moving on to the Sheriff’s Office back in the late seventies. Even then the place was lousy with sowpotummi. Figures, just like any other gubmint job.
Also because all you had to do was sit on your ass for eight hours and occasionally call in a count.

05-21-2018, 06:44 PM
Somewhat explains the "Bruthahood"