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View Full Version : Well, Fuck.

05-18-2018, 11:31 AM
Our last pet died this morning. Pretty little calico cat, had it for 15 years. My wife LOVED this cat, to the point of damn near being a slave to it. Ate better than I did. Got tuna, twice a day Mrs. Evolved would set out a fresh plate of wet food, which the cat would promptly turn its nose up at. A real ritual. Cat could ignore me for three days, but the world stopped when my wife walked in the door. The cat was old, but this interruption of such a long standing ritual bothers me, and she's very upset.

Doesn't help that she let her out this morning, something we do 5-10 times a day for the last 15 years, and some fucking nigger runs her down. Goddamn, I hate niggers more and more with every breath I take, their lack of empathy and remorse....fuck. Even when you think you have them at arms length, niggers will still manage to cost you something. I better not find the asshole that did this. I don't take my wife being upset very well, bad enough she's blaming herself.