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View Full Version : Old human men are the best

05-13-2018, 08:20 AM
I think I posted this on CO, but I'll add it here in case anyone needs a laugh.

The watering hole I used to frequent was walking distance from me, and the owner and most of the customers were not fans of niggers.

There was an old widower my friends and I got to know, and he was a retired teacher and WWII vet who was in his 80s.

Right after Obongo got re-elected, we were talking politics in the bar.

Our old war vet friend had had a few adult beverages, and loud enough for all 20-30 in the bar to hear -- including a nigger and a halfrican -- he says, "you know Martin Luther King and Obama had the same nickname in high school"?


We busted out laughing and not only was he not scolded by the bartender or the owner, I'm pretty sure a drink or two was bought for him.

Old guys are the best because they don't give a damn.