View Full Version : White cuck just loves his Black Panther doll

Buck Simian
04-28-2018, 10:37 PM
So I am in Nig-Mart looking through the toy department for a present for a family member. I notice some white guy who appears to be around 19-20 around 15 feet away from me looking at a shelf where all the action figures are. All of a sudden he excitedly yells out There It Is! I turn and see him holding a Black Panther doll. He actually looks at me and says its the limited edition one, I have been everywhere looking for it! He walks off with his newfound prized possession clutching it as tight as if it were a winning lottery ticket. I notice his shirt, it was a Black Panther shirt. Later I spot him in the checkout line, I say to him you really love the Black Panther don't you? He responds all excitedly Oh Yeah, I have seen the movie X amount of times! Rolling my eyes in disgust I respond with well good luck with that.
Look I'm a big kid myself. I have been going through this second childhood phase where I find myself scrounging ebay and local flea markets for old toys I once had as a child. But these are collectibles, not some nigger doll. I bet that cuck sleeps with his nigger doll at night.


04-29-2018, 03:30 AM
I thought the nigger panthers were the klan with a tan?
They're heroes now?

Purple Gummed Tree Climber
04-29-2018, 05:07 PM

GANGSTA Barbie comes with a black eye, a package of Kools,, and a restraining order. :lol

04-29-2018, 05:16 PM
GANGSTA Barbie comes with a black eye, a package of Kools,, and a restraining order. :lol



Rape Ape
04-29-2018, 06:48 PM
I don't know what he's so excited about. They've been selling those things for decades now. :lmao
