View Full Version : White flight is racist..

04-19-2018, 06:35 AM
Race was not only a strong predictor of white flight, but occurred to an even greater degree in middle class neighborhoods than in poorer neighborhoods, according to the study. The findings challenge the belief that white flight occur as a result of socioeconomic reasons as middle class neighborhoods do not display the disadvantages in neighborhood quality that drive out white residents.

White flight is often reduced to a black and white issue, but the study showed that this phenomenon continued to occur even when it’s Hispanics or Asian residents diversifying middle class neighborhoods. The study found that white flight becomes more likely in middle class neighborhoods when the presence of Hispanics and Asians exceeds 25% and 21%, respectively. Overall, areas that saw white flight lost on average 40% of their white population over a decade.


04-19-2018, 07:24 AM
whites fly away from niggers. that is for a good reason.

04-19-2018, 01:46 PM
White Flight = Self Preservation

Tar Remover
04-21-2018, 06:23 AM
Ok. It's racist. Who fuckin' cares if it's racist? Nobody wants to live anywhere near niggers. Period.