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View Full Version : 2 dindu nothing at Starbucks in Philly

04-14-2018, 05:14 PM
Two niggers dindu nothing. They were loitering at starbucks. When they were thrown out, guess what? The popo be racist. Starbucks be racist.
Guess who runs to their defense? That's right. A white guy who coddles to niggers. Stupid self-hating white guy screams racism. just because of their species.

So what happened before the arrest? if humans are so racist that we arrest every nigger we see, there would be no more niggers. They would all be in prison. They would all be extinct.


04-14-2018, 05:47 PM
The niggers were asked to leave and didn't, they got what they deserved for being uppity and being typical niggers.


04-14-2018, 08:54 PM
Don't you know? Niggers haz diplomatic immunity! :pat


04-15-2018, 12:19 AM
I'd bet $100 to one of the crappy overpriced Starbucks sandwiches that if the niggers hadn't been kicked out, they'd have caused trouble: snatching purses or cell phones, trying to get their muh dikk on with a white woman, or even attempted robbery.

04-15-2018, 02:12 AM
maybe the niggers were selling drugs to that white guy.

Cracka Jack
04-15-2018, 08:11 AM
"Let's talk about race."

04-15-2018, 12:09 PM
Just amazing Starbucks' cuck CEO comes to the niggers' defense. I don't feel the least bit bad for any bad publicity they get.

Wait till these two go after :gibs

Cat fur allergic
04-15-2018, 01:01 PM
Humans who defending those niggers in the comments are so disgusting. I hope they all get niggerfied. These type of liberals demand we open more spaces to niggers. But will never let them live next to them.

Rape Ape
04-15-2018, 04:14 PM
Typical worthless nigger monkey bums. As usual they treat a private business establishment as a latrine and a tree to loiter around in. Though I can't say I have much sympathy for Starbucks and their niggerloving cuck CEO, either.

04-16-2018, 01:12 PM
The niggers and protesters are trying to say it was racial profiling. Bullshit! The exact same thing would happen to anybody if they simply walk into a restaurant and order nothing and sit around and refuse to leave when asked.

04-16-2018, 07:07 PM
Just amazing Starbucks' cuck CEO comes to the niggers' defense. I don't feel the least bit bad for any bad publicity they get.

Wait till these two go after :gibs

Isn't this the same CEO who said he was going to hire 10000 refugees to work for them. Added flavor to their coffee served by people who wipe their asses with their left hands because they do not use toilet papar nor do they wash them when finished. mmm mmm finger licking good if your a bushman. I think I am going to hurl. I have never even been in a Starfucks er ah bucks

04-16-2018, 07:15 PM
This whole incident is actually fun to watch. Starbucks is a nigger coddling company run by elitist liberals with their silly Utopian fantasies being forced to do battle with the monsters they have helped to create. I hope the niggers cash in on this big time and make a bunch of lawyers rich in the process. How fitting is it that these niggers will be squandering Starbucks settlement money on 22" rims, gold teeth, and crack?! Have to look at it from a positive perspective! They'll ultimately end up in jail or the ground anyway...