View Full Version : Senator, do you want to apologize for your racist Swahili comment?

04-11-2018, 07:50 PM
Kennedy ripped into Facebook’s user agreement during Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate testimony on Tuesday, insisting that the agreement reads like it is in Swahili.

“At the end of that exchange, when you were asking a question of Mark, you said, you know, in English not in Swahili,” Burnett said during an interview Tuesday night. “And obviously you’re probably aware there has been outrage over your Swahili line, some calling it a racial slur.”

CNN displayed three tweets from unverified users on the screen to prove that there was “outrage” over Kennedy’s comment.

“So no apology at all?” Burnett pressed.

“No,” Kennedy replied flatly.


Purple Gummed Tree Climber
04-12-2018, 03:27 PM
"you know, in English not in Swahili"....


She's right. The Senator should have said "you know, in English not in nigger-babble"....

I wonder how many swahili's were demonstrating against this racist official... every time Erin Burnett
opens her pie-hole, something stupid comes tumbling out. If she wants to increase her ratings, she
should do the show with her legs pinned behind her ears.

Cracka Jack
04-12-2018, 03:57 PM
I like that guy!!! :lol

If she wants to increase her ratings, she
should do the show with her legs pinned behind her ears.

Climber, that just might entice me to watch her,....., very briefly,...... maybe.

04-15-2018, 01:02 AM
"It's all Greek to me." Notice how nobody is ever outraged by that?

There's no slur about Swahili, anyway. I once took a language class in which we studied the structure of various languages. All I can say, even click-clack niggers communicate better. It's all ooga-booga-muh-dikk to me.

Cracka Jack
04-15-2018, 08:36 AM
It's all mupta bix nood to me.