View Full Version : C-SPAN took live calls to honor the legacy of MLK, it didn't go as planned..

04-05-2018, 07:29 PM
On Wednesday, C-SPAN attempted to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King with a viewer discussion about his life and legacy. Unfortunately, the network’s decision to take viewer phone calls backfired as anchor Pedro Echevarria was swiftly inundated with racist trolls.

“The blacks burned the town down after he was killed,” said Patrick from Trenton, New Jersey. “When you raise one group up — the blacks’ so-called civil rights — you’re taking privileges away from another group.”

“Today’s real meaning of this day — you have to look at it. It’s James Earl Ray, the lone-wolf assassin. He had a dream and James Earl Ray’s dream came true.”:lol


Cracka Jack
04-05-2018, 09:26 PM
"Thank you caller....."


Buck Simian
04-05-2018, 09:53 PM
MLK just another woman beating rapist. With all of this talk about the MeToo movement and standing up for womens rights why don't they tell the truth about that nigger? Whenever a nigger takes the title Reverend you can be certain that is a code-word for muhdikk.

04-06-2018, 07:24 PM
MLK just another woman beating rapist. With all of this talk about the MeToo movement and standing up for womens rights why don't they tell the truth about that nigger? Whenever a nigger takes the title Reverend you can be certain that is a code-word for muhdikk.

It especially makes me livid how some of humans work damn hard on a good thesis, but Marching Looter Coon plagiarized heavily and still gets called "Reverend Dr." I was warned in my first undergrad year to footnote every last sentence and have a thorough bibliography, so someone wouldn't think I was cheating.

04-06-2018, 11:21 PM
So, common peasants calling in and telling the truth are racist trolls?
They get billions of dollars.

Anyway, I dont pay any attention to TV crap. I don't even have a TV.

Tar Remover
04-21-2018, 02:37 AM
HAAA!!!!! HA! That's hilarious!:lol