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View Full Version : Minneapolis Somali Officer Al Shitsack Charged with Murder

03-21-2018, 12:06 AM
It shot an Australian woman who called the police. Shot her for no conceivable reason. It took forever to indict, but the facts were impossible to conceal or ignore. She was in her pajamas. It probably thought she was indecently dressed.

They're just like us.


03-21-2018, 03:55 PM
I remember this story from a couple years ago...this nigger MN Somali POS cop shot this human woman down. She was the one who had called the cops in the first place....I did a search for the story, lots of interesting facts come up in the story...its on Wiki too....this nigger needs to be caged for 25-30 years.

What's really disgusting though, are the liberal assholes in MN who brought these nigger animals there....lots of the same in ME too....I'll NEVER know why anyone on the planet would want to import violent nigger animals into their community, although I had one old liberal bitch from Maine tell me, Maine's population is on average the oldest in the country, and we need younger people to help, while this may be true, why in the he'll would anyone want niggers to fill that void? It'd be the same as eating poison or eating a shit sandwich...niggers are violent dirty animals.

03-21-2018, 11:04 PM
Caged for 25-30 years existing on the tax payer dime? I think not. It should be terminated with extreme prejudice and thrown into a tree grinder pointing the exhaust into a hog pen for all the muzzies to piss and moan about!

Purple Gummed Tree Climber
03-22-2018, 02:11 PM
Caged for 25-30 years existing on the tax payer dime? I think not. It should be terminated with extreme prejudice and thrown into a tree grinder pointing the exhaust into a hog pen for all the muzzies to piss and moan about!

I'd be absolutely fine with him being thrown into the hog pen alive.

animal mother
03-22-2018, 02:57 PM
I'd be absolutely fine with him being thrown into the hog pen alive.

Yep, just don't feed the hogs or a week beforehand so they are good and hungry.

03-23-2018, 03:23 PM
disgusting nigger. wannabe sandnigger