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View Full Version : Six feral nigger bucks and one feral sow rob and beat a Mexican fruit vendor in Los Angeles

03-19-2018, 07:04 PM

The attack was so severe, doctors told the man’s family it will take him about six months to recover.

Pedro Daniel Reyes’ stepson set up the account.

He wrote, “Two cars filled with men rushed him and and other vendors and demanded their money. My stepfather gave them the money but they still brutally beat him.”

The attack occurred at the corner of San Pedro and 31st in South LA at 5 a.m.


Reyes’ face was fractured, his jaw was broken, his throat was cut and several of his teeth were knocked out, his stepson said. He is expected to undergo surgery on Monday.

Krumer said the suspects are believed to be five to six African-American men and one African-American woman.


03-19-2018, 07:46 PM
OH and I fixed the last part for you Mush :lol

Krumer said the suspects are believed to be five to six Feral Nigger African-American knuckle draggers and one Sheboon African-American shitbeast.

Pedro has raised
$84,311 of $75,000 goal

Raised by 2,061 people in 23 hours


03-19-2018, 07:57 PM
Thank you. :lol

03-20-2018, 04:05 PM
niggers are so disgusting. just think, this could have been anybody. this could easily be your neighbor or cousin. niggers will attack for any reason.

03-20-2018, 04:06 PM
and they were speaking ebonics to a guy who spoke spanish.