View Full Version : Interesting. NYT Breaks Ranks With MSM To Talk About European Muzzie/Niggerfail.

03-05-2018, 09:54 PM
The New York Times has broken ranks with the the establishment media, publishing an effective mea culpa over the mainstream denial of migrant-related gang crime in Sweden.

The paper — which previously mocked President Trump for highlighting Sweden’s migrant crime problems — published over 1,500 words on the subject in its Sunday edition this weekend, stating:

Weapons from a faraway, long-ago war are flowing into immigrant neighborhoods here, puncturing Swedes’ sense of confidence and security. The country’s murder rate remains low, by American standards, and violent crime is stable or dropping in many places. But gang-related assaults and shootings are becoming more frequent, and the number of neighborhoods categorized by the police as “marred by crime, social unrest and insecurity” is rising. Crime and immigration are certain to be key issues in September’s general election, alongside the traditional debates over education and health care.

Now the New York Times has admitted parts of Sweden are being turned into war zones, with the use of grenades and military weapons from 1990s Yugoslavia. They quote kebab shop owner and asylum seeker Paul Borisho who — like many Europeans — expressed fear and concern over the trajectory of the continent: “Now, when I think of the future, I am afraid… I am afraid for Europe.”

Wising up, or just reading the political tea leaves?


03-14-2018, 02:07 PM
Another country getting ruined by fecal colored Muzscum

Sheboon DeLuxe
03-14-2018, 02:34 PM
This is the NYT doing their single report, after which they will never touch the subject again, but they can point to this article and say, "See, we reported all about it!" Just like they did Waco, airliner shot down by missile off east coast, Klinton Krime Klan, Hodgkinson, etc, etc, etc.