View Full Version : Member Crocodile Dundee? He was a racist sexist homophobe..

01-25-2018, 07:15 AM
Mick Dundee (Hogan) chats up a trans woman, before a friend pulls him aside: “I’ve been trying to tell you all night, that girl, she’s a guy!” Dundee responds by sexual assaulting her. He grabs the woman in the groin area, then points and yells: “A guy dressed up like a sheila! Look at that!”

Dundee is so shocked to learn the man is gay that he recoils from their embrace and nearly falls off the building. The strong implication is that, had he known the man was homosexual, he would never have tried to save him in the first place.

Sue complains to Dundee about a previous lover. She says this guy is a lefty type, “probably marching right now, for the gay Nazis or something”.

Dundee, disgusted, tells her he “sounds like a prize ratbag”. He then discusses land rights and Indigenous Australians. They “don’t own the land, they belong to it”, he says, going on to compare people discussing land ownership to “fleas” debating “who owns the dog”.


01-25-2018, 11:09 AM
Oh bullshit. I remember the first movie, do you guys? Remember the magic nigger limo driver? He "saved" Mick from the group of people looking to beat him up?

Sheboon DeLuxe
01-25-2018, 03:59 PM
^ With a boomerang made from the radio antenna of the limo...lol.
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