View Full Version : Dune coons are no better than niggers: Syrians in Germany attack couple for not showing "respect"

01-16-2018, 01:33 PM
As police announce, Friday, just after 4 PM, a 51-year-old and his 43-year-old wife from Cottbus wanted to visit the Blechen-Carré on Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, when they were attacked by three Syrian youths aged 14, 15 and 17. They demanded precedence, says police spokesman Ines Filohn. They also demanded that the woman should show respect to them. When the woman refused to do so, the youths attacked her husband.

Two of them physically attacked the man and tried to push him over. Another from the group produced a knife. In this moment, a brave passer-by intervened and helped the husband. “With his courageous help, the man prevented worse from happening” says Ines Filohn. The security staff who were called seized the three suspects and held them until police arrived.

Mayor Holger Kelch is shocked: “It is appalling, and not tolerable for us as a city, and a state under the rule of law, what happened in these first days of January in Cottbus. Violence is not a way to encourage or resolve conflicts. My sympathies are with the aggrieved parties, I hope they get well soon and will be able to get over these experiences.”

In the meantime, witnesses were found, and surveillance recordings and the knife secured. The 14-year-old is already known to the police as a violent offender. The youths were handed over to their legal guardians. Criminal police begun investigations for dangerous battery. As the three suspects are minors, they will be tried under youth criminal law.


Want to bet they'll be let go with the equivalent of time served, and orders for counseling?

The mayor sounds like a real cuckfucker. Oh sure, get over it. Why didn't he talk about a need for "cultures" to accept each other?

Thin White Duke
01-18-2018, 12:19 AM
And they're "youths" as well, the same term used for niggers. At least at actually sounds like these sand niggers were wrangled, but I too doubt they will be punished or face any consequences.