View Full Version : Japanese man moved to Ireland, a year later gets stabbed to death by asslifter refugee

01-16-2018, 01:24 PM
This happened almost two weeks ago, and not a thing in major international news. If a nigger or asslifter came to the U.S and was killed by a white American, there'd be nothing else in the MSM but white racism, a call for white Americans to apologize, and Trump telling liberals to fuck off with the collective guilt.

The Egyptian national, 18, was taken down and disarmed by brave unarmed gardai, who confronted him after he had killed a Japanese man and injured two other Irish people.

The young coward knifed Yosuke Sasaki in the back as the factory employee walked to work with headphones on - unaware of his attacker.

The suspect arrived in Ireland in recent days via Scotland and the North
UK authorities refused him asylum
He was armed with at least two knives and an iron bar
He began an asylum application in Ireland on January 1, and
The dead man is Japanese, the other victims are Irish.

The suspect, calling himself Mohamed, was yesterday examined by a doctor and found to be unfit for interview.

He was said to be in a frenzied state following the attacks.

Mr Sasaki had been living in Ireland for the past year and worked at the National Pen call centre, manning the phones for service calls for the Japanese market, according to the Irish Times.
