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View Full Version : Coalburning cousin shows up for Christmas...liberal family fawns over halfbreed kids...

12-27-2017, 02:11 PM
I mentioned years ago, that I had a cousin who became a coal-burner. I am not sure when it happened, at one point her and I were very close. I do believe she bought into the "niggers are just like us" shit that MTV and the media pushed on us during our teenage years. When she was about 20 she got married to her long-term boyfriend, really nice white guy from a wealthy family. I think my Aunt and Uncle easily spent about 70K on the wedding and reception. The marriage was over in 6 months. I moved away, lost touch with her, heard she was hanging out with niggers and became a hooker (wish I was joking), ended up having a crack baby with her pimp, who in turn beat her to the point of unconsciousness when she no longer could whore herself out, due to an issue with her devil chute getting twacked during delivery of said crack baby. She ended up in a rehab facility, left the mongrel with my Aunt and Uncle and soon vanished. No one had heard from her in a few years, I know she occasionally would stop by her parents long enough to either get money, steal their possessions, steal their medications and show a fake interest in her kid. I haven't seen her in at least 10 years.

So this year for Christmas, there was a rumor that Karen was going to be back around and that she was doing well. Initially I was going to host, but when my Aunt and Uncle started pestering me about her coming, I put my foot down. So they in turn decided to host. Now, my Aunt and Uncle are both in their late 70's, Karen was an "oops" baby, so she is 35 or so. Just setting the tone.

So we all are there and my Aunt is acting like Jesus is coming for dinner, all excited that Karen is coming and how she is doing really well and that she can't wait for us all to see her again. Karen's crack-baby son Billy, looks like a quadroon, but the kid is 14 now, easily weighs 250 pounds and stands roughly 6 feet tall. Constantly has a glazed look on his face, mouth is usually agape and has breath that makes a cow fart smell decent. Within 10 minutes of being there, he started getting weird with my daughter. I told him to leave her alone, you have to realize that my daughter has only met him once or twice before (thanks Mom and Dad) and Billy was acting like they were long lost sweethearts. I put a stop to it right quick and at one point cuffed Billy in the back of the head. He ran up to his room, screaming, knocking pictures off the wall on his way up. My Aunt said "Billy is really upset, you should go apologize NTG." I just laughed and said "He is mad because he is trying to molest my daughter, how about you discipline him once in a while and then we can have a conversation." My Uncle on the other hand just started laughing. About 10 minutes later, Billy came flying out of his room, dressed in a Spider-man suit that was at least 5 sizes too small and carrying a Nerf gun. I begged, pleaded and attempted to bribe him to take a picture, but he wasn't having it. I had tears running down my cheeks at this point, because this situation was so odd. He, in his nigger mind, decided the best course of action was to attempt to "snipe" me with said Nerf gun, then attack me while he was wearing the Spider-man suit, like it gave him some magical powers.

Before he could put his plan into action though, in walks Karen. With a buck and 2 small niglets trailing behind her. She looked like a typical burner, black puffy jacket, shitty dye job, Walmart's finest clothes and a Coach purse. The buck on the other hand was wearing a basketball jersey over a hoodie and skinny jeans. As they came in, I moved to the other end of the room. Billy now eyed his new targets. He ran up to his Mom, she in turn introduced him to his siblings (no one knew she had more kids) and her new Buck, his name was Clarence or Clancy, I can't remember. She brought him around to everyone, where he would stick his paw out, emulating human behavior and would say "how-da-do" to everyone. I am still confused if he was trying to say "how are you" or "howdy". By this point, Billy had lured the small half breeds to his room, where I am assuming he was molesting them or whatever it is that he was planning. Karen came up to me, gave me a quick hug and met my kids, then continued attempting to say hi to everyone else.

I looked at my girlfriend and said “We are leaving in 10 minutes, I am not sticking around and watching this shit show.” Most of my family were fawning all over Karen, saying how good she looked, how beautiful her kids were, how nice Clarence or whatever was. Literally tripping over themselves to compliment her. By that point I had enough so we took off.

Talked to my sister about what happened afterwards. Karen and Clarence got drunk, got into a fight, Karen struck my aunt who was trying to break up the fight. My Uncle in turn threw Karen, Clarence and the new brood out, which in turn made Clarence feel disrespected, who then threatened to come back and kill my Aunt and Uncle. Most of my family immediately started making up excuses for Karen, saying shit like “she had a rough life” “she is an addict” “none of this is her fault”. Just sickening how quick they jumped to make excuses for her and her shitty life decisions.

I don't think I will be coming to Christmas again.

12-27-2017, 02:28 PM
Jebuz christ man, that sounds like a true horror story. You let that filthy mudshark hug you.... get to your doctor quick and get checked for ALL know parasites.

Side note: I would totally disown the mudshark and not even speak with her. Oh and the buck threatened to KILL your aunt and uncle, I would have alerted the cops about that one.

justin igger
12-27-2017, 10:29 PM
Awful. and I'm sure this same scene is repeated in thousands of homes every Christmas. Coalburning is like a science experiment that is done over and over resulting in the same products..terrible niglets, violent buck, excuses and embarrassment.

12-28-2017, 01:24 AM
Most of my family immediately started making up excuses for Karen, saying shit like “she had a rough life” “she is an addict” “none of this is her fault”. Just sickening how quick they jumped to make excuses for her and her shitty life decisions.

I don't think I will be coming to Christmas again.

That is how it is in most families. They don't want to believe it could be the family members fault. It was the drugs, the alcohol, the gun, whatever. It is both a redeeming quality and a fault. At some point, and I say this from experience as well, you have to say like it is. "You know what? This is all your dumb fault. Nobody did this but you." They give way to those that claim alcoholism is a disease and not the addicts fault.

12-28-2017, 10:29 AM
That is how it is in most families. They don't want to believe it could be the family members fault. It was the drugs, the alcohol, the gun, whatever. It is both a redeeming quality and a fault. At some point, and I say this from experience as well, you have to say like it is. "You know what? This is all your dumb fault. Nobody did this but you." They give way to those that claim alcoholism is a disease and not the addicts fault.

That is it exactly. Karen fell into the trap that "they are just like us" and it destroyed her. She has been beaten, raped, pimped out and god knows what else by niggers, yet that is who she chooses to hang out with. One of my uncles is convinced that a video online of a white girl getting jumped by 3 black sows is Karen. Some of my family see through the bullshit, the rest do not. It was absolutely sickening watching my aunts just fawning over her little mutt kids, asking them to do parlor tricks that most humans have mastered earlier in life. "Can you count to 10? Let's do it together! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10! Good job, yay (clapping hands even though the mutt didn't even say a single number)" shit like that. I am not sure if they realize that these "kids" are one step away from monkeys or if they genuinely believe that these kids are "smart". It's absolutely mind boggling.

One question, has anyone ever seen a mutt who didn't look like it had a touch of Downs? Or is the mouth breathing, snotty nose, blank stare a genetic anomaly that occurs when breeding together happens?

Buck Simian
12-28-2017, 12:00 PM
We all have that crazed family member that we would like to forget about. One of these days I am going to have to tell the story of my muslim cousin.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-28-2017, 12:32 PM
I don't think I will be coming to Christmas again.

Wise choice, NTG. What a mess. Sad that you have to live with stuff like this. Amazing that you were the only one prescient enough to see what was coming, and get the hell out of there.

Gul Dukat
12-28-2017, 12:56 PM
Your story almost sounds like one of the tard stories from 4 chan.

12-28-2017, 01:05 PM
I would refuse to ever associate with any of my fambly if they hooked up with a nigger.

Cracka Jack
12-28-2017, 03:18 PM
Coalburning tears families apart like nothing else. That is why it is promoted so heavily on TeeVee, in movies and in advertising.

Gul Dukat
12-29-2017, 01:24 AM
That is it exactly. Karen fell into the trap that "they are just like us" and it destroyed her. She has been beaten, raped, pimped out and god knows what else by niggers, yet that is who she chooses to hang out with. One of my uncles is convinced that a video online of a white girl getting jumped by 3 black sows is Karen. Some of my family see through the bullshit, the rest do not. It was absolutely sickening watching my aunts just fawning over her little mutt kids, asking them to do parlor tricks that most humans have mastered earlier in life. "Can you count to 10? Let's do it together! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10! Good job, yay (clapping hands even though the mutt didn't even say a single number)" shit like that. I am not sure if they realize that these "kids" are one step away from monkeys or if they genuinely believe that these kids are "smart". It's absolutely mind boggling.

One question, has anyone ever seen a mutt who didn't look like it had a touch of Downs? Or is the mouth breathing, snotty nose, blank stare a genetic anomaly that occurs when breeding together happens?

Harvey Price is a good example, the genes just don't splice well.

01-02-2018, 08:54 PM
Gotta hand it to you...your Christmas was definitely worse than mine. My wife and I had a huge fight because she decided to host her family at our house for Christmas, which would've been fine except one of her nieces is a brillo muncher and brings her pet nigger to fambly functions.

Nothing ruins Christmas like having a nigger in your house.

01-02-2018, 11:20 PM
My family transgressions happened over 55 years ago. My uncle Joe had a grand daughter hook up with a nigger. My uncle Joe loved to hunt and fish and had hoped to show his grand children the wonders of nature. They payed him back by the oldest grand daughter running off to Florida to be beat to death by the ape who she let spread her legs. Luckily no sprog before being beat to death. His one grandson turned queer and died of aids while the other decided to eat a revolver one night for his grandfather to find the remains. I moved to Texas after graduating high school to wait out my turn to take an all expense paid tour of South East Asia. In my trips back to Pittsburgh I would visit and notice he was never the same. The Grand kids' actions sucked the life out of him.

01-02-2018, 11:24 PM
Gotta hand it to you...your Christmas was definitely worse than mine. My wife and I had a huge fight because she decided to host her family at our house for Christmas, which would've been fine except one of her nieces is a brillo muncher and brings her pet nigger to fambly functions.

Nothing ruins Christmas like having a nigger in your house.

Holy shit, you men had a really rough Christmas. Mine was quiet, husband away at work, watched the idiot box. Had kitty cat for company. Towards end of night, I got really demented and took out my dog's ashes and sat them next to me on the couch. Sobbed like a baby. I lost my German Shepherd this September, had my buddy for 12 years since a puppy.
Life ain't easy.

01-04-2018, 05:29 PM
Wow, I have to say a special prayer for having no niggers in my family, not one relative who burned or drilled. I was a little absent from here because of family visiting over Christmas, but I can't complain. Mrs. S said to have her mom spend the holidays with us for once. Sure, I love her mom. But the next thing I knew, I was also picking up her sister and our niece at the airport! Our house is a good size with a couple of extra bedrooms, but the living room sure got crowded. Still, a guy could get used to the women cooking all that food, and making magic with leftovers!

Tar Remover
01-19-2018, 01:37 AM
Damn. That's awful, NTG. But I'm glad you had the fore sight to get the hell out of there.

Cat fur allergic
01-29-2018, 01:30 PM
I would personally not tolerate coalburners in my immediate faimily. If they bring one home, I'll never show up for family event again. It's either them or me.

You got to put your foot down with you family. Tell them if they invite those niggers again. You and yours won't be coming. Usually they'll choose the saner family members.