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View Full Version : Scamming niggers dump leaves all over a woman's yard, claims she didn't pay

12-23-2017, 10:36 PM
I skipped through because of all the bix nood muhfuggah dis muhfuggah dat, but there's no homeowner to be found. Here's what really happened: the woman's yard was already raked, and the bucks stole bags of leaves to throw around if someone doesn't give into the extortion. It's the same way they demand to clean someone's car windows.

Is it possible the niggers raked first, expecting to get paid later? No way, because that means the niggers did valuable work.

By the way, I never go to just about the worst nigger site of them all, but I heard about the video and found the original.


Rape Ape
12-24-2017, 12:18 AM
Even if the nigger did rake the yard, it was too damn lazy to bag the leaves. Just raking the leaves into a loose pile is only 1/3 of the work. Bagging the fucking leaves is the pain in the ass. I could have blown the leaves into that pile in 5 minutes in that tiny yard with my backpack blower.

The nigger either did a lazy crappy job "raking" leaves into a loose pile that will just blow back into the yard in the next breeze, or, probably more likely, it just went up trying to extort the homeowner without having done anything Either way the stupid nigger is full of shit.

Witch Doctor
12-24-2017, 11:29 AM
but there's no homeowner to be found.

Exactly, these are just niggers trying to scam whitey, and the home owner I am sure is just sitting looking out the window knowing it is NOT safe to confront the feral pavement apes, to just ignore them and have a landscaping service do the cleanup the next day.