View Full Version : News is dead silent on Somalicoon that stabbed woman 14 times (she lived)

12-21-2017, 06:06 PM
Diversity, ain't it great?

This attack has not been covered at all by the Minneapolis newspapers, and other coverage of it doesn’t mention the identity of the attacker. This report doesn’t either in the print version. Only in the video do we learn that the attacker was a “Somali man.” Clearly the enemedia in Minneapolis don’t want to talk about this incident and others like it, for fear that some people in Minneapolis might start to get the idea that inundating the area with Muslim migrants wasn’t such a good idea.


12-21-2017, 11:47 PM
Nothing to see here! Minneapolis is so fucked!

Tar Remover
12-22-2017, 12:30 AM
Minnesota has been packed to the gills with Somali imminiggers. The government even built them high rise condos in Little Mogadishu to live in, at OUR expense. They LOOK like niggers live in them too, like downtown Mogadishu. Fuckin Dirt Apes.:fume

12-22-2017, 10:21 AM
Once again proving you can take niggers out of the jungles but you can't take the jungle out of the niggers.

12-22-2017, 05:28 PM
Yep. I went on WCCO, the CBS joke affiliate here and they run the story without one fucking mention of the suspect's description. Didn't even say nigger male as the perp. Sickening. I did see that the victim moved from Memphis for her Job with Apple. And that she lives in Uptown (niggers, queers, libtards, somalicoons) says 110 percent that she's a nigger loving libtard. How's that dieversity working for ya tard?