View Full Version : Air Force nigger gets a reprimand for always being late, contests it in a Court Martial and gets kicked out..

12-08-2017, 08:12 PM
Mario Manago used to be an Airman. There were problems between him and the leadership in his new unit, all of which led to Manago's forced separation from the Air Force in 2017, ending 13 years of service. The catalyst for the end of his career? Being six minutes late to a meeting.

An NJP is basically an in-house punishment with no lasting effects in the civilian world.

Service members have the right to deny an NJP and take the issue to court-martial, just like civilians can appeal a court's decision and take the case to a higher court. Manago chose to take it to court-martial.


Guy Montag
12-09-2017, 01:37 AM
6 minutes late? In my beloved Corps, the standard was '15 minutes early, or else you are late'...

...SC can back me up on that :coffee