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View Full Version : Amazon won't let their muzzies pray..

04-21-2017, 08:32 PM
The Service Employees International Union and three Muslim guards who work for Security Industry Specialists, the security contractor Amazon uses to guard its facility, accuse SIS, and by implication Amazon, of refusing to allow the guards space to pray five times daily, even though members of other religions are granted the privilege of using prayer rooms.


04-21-2017, 08:53 PM
The muzzie lotto attempt. Because they have to try to lift their asses five times in eight hours. Which is incorrect, if you read their toilet paper book.

04-21-2017, 10:19 PM
Give them a ham sandwich and tell them to suck it up!

04-21-2017, 10:36 PM
Legally employers aren't ever required to give an employee a 15 minute break (most do out of courtesy and being nice) but to give an asslifter five 15 minute breaks (1 hour 15 minutes each day) to pray to his pedo goat humping deity.... Please Ackmed, go fuck off and pound sand.