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  1. Germany: Ass lifter stabs Islam critic on open street (1 replies)
  2. Nayyar does a nest cleaning and self deletes (2 replies)
  3. Israel gives at least 45 sandniggers their goatwings in airstrike (2 replies)
  4. Father and son Hamas terrorists talk about raping and murdering women (8 replies)
  5. Iranian Sandnigger MMA Fighter Goes to Russia, Kicks Pretty Ring Girl, Gets Ass Kicked Multiple Times! (3 replies)
  6. Iranian asslifter President possibly dead in helicopter crash (6 replies)
  7. Boeing Jet full of asslifters bound for mecca catches fire (4 replies)
  8. Asslifters attack prison van in France, kill the guards and free 'mohammed the fly' drug boss (4 replies)
  9. Oh, no. Muzzie couple leaving Canada. Islamophobia! (8 replies)
  10. How Islam imposes itself on the decent... (3 replies)
  11. Curry Asslifting Sow Threatens to Murder Bakersfield City Council (14 replies)
  12. Mudslime she boon gets her hijab caught in a Go-Kart axle- hilarity and goatwings ensue (7 replies)
  13. Caliphate of Germany (6 replies)
  14. "We want Sharia law in UK" (9 replies)
  15. Germany: "Man" stabs a 4-yo white girl at a grocery shop (3 replies)
  16. The 'religion of peace' firebombs a Super Mart over Chinese made 'allah socks' (6 replies)
  17. Sandnigger threatens Burger King with jihad over 'allah' ice cream lids (3 replies)
  18. Moscow Slaughter.... Islamo Attack targeting Christians.. So Much to Consider Here.. (13 replies)
  19. Asslifter stabs two teenaper she boons in a deli for rejecting his advances- one set of batwings (9 replies)
  20. Sandnigger fail: Jordan airdrop has a parachute fail, smooshes 5 sandniglets (11 replies)
  21. Mohammed shoots up a dentist's office then flees in a U-Haul truck (3 replies)
  22. 12-years old girl in Austria repeatedly raped an abused by a groidle of 17 guess who (0 replies)
  23. Sweden: Sand nigger rapes 14 yo girl, nothing happens. Girl&friends hangs the migrant -> lifelong jail (9 replies)
  24. Sand nigger violently chimps out in Germany, urinates on a train conductor (10 replies)
  25. Latest gang rape in Italy(13-year-old-girl), by guess who? (1 replies)
  26. Feral dune coons from Tunisia are terrorizing Regensburg, Germany (2 replies)
  27. 7 sand niggers raped a 13 y.o. in Italy, forced boyfriend to watch (4 replies)
  28. Rapey, acid-throwing muzzie granted asylum in Londonstan. (1 replies)
  29. A UK lawmaker says he's quitting Parliament after death threats and an arson attack (0 replies)
  30. Iran attacked us by proxy, but at least the fatalities were all NIGGERS (2 replies)
  31. Switzerland is going Commifornia (6 replies)
  32. Asylum seeker arrested during wedding ceremony and deported in Austria (1 replies)
  33. Huge gang of Muzzie pedos allowed to carry on in England. (0 replies)
  34. Texans Deal with Pro-Palestenian Asshole Who Disrupted Governor Abbott's Event (0 replies)
  35. Filthy, Fucking Palestinians.... (20 replies)
  36. Niggers rip down posters of Hamas kidnap victims, white people get blamed (1 replies)
  37. 60 dead asslifters after boat capsize off the coast of Libya (6 replies)
  38. Muslims Beat up Santa in Germany (0 replies)
  39. Mudslimes asaulting people in the park (2 replies)
  40. ‘Allahu Akbar' attack with knives and hammers in Paris (1 replies)
  41. Sandnigger sow bitches about conditions in Gaza (2 replies)
  42. Asslifters in the Netherlands pissed about Geert Wilders WIN (6 replies)
  43. 55 Hollywood thespians openly side with Hamas (13 replies)
  44. Mohammed was driving the family to J.C. Penney for family photos when he shot his breeding sow 7x (3 replies)
  45. Cal: Sand-nigger kills Jewish IT professor Paul Kessler on a demonstration (3 replies)
  46. Welcome to Columbia Untisemity (0 replies)
  47. Mudslime landlord Rafiqul Islam sets fire to his own building full o' mudslimes because unpaid rent (0 replies)
  48. Two bombs: "Mostly peaceful" Goatfucker demonstration in Berlin (2 replies)
  49. Anit-Israel Goatfucker mass demonstrations in UK & Germany (4 replies)
  50. Mudslime hoes stealing Halloween treats (3 replies)
  51. UK: Party of islam (1 replies)
  52. NATO member Turky says Hamas isn't a terrorist organisation, but a 'liberation group' (0 replies)
  53. Who donated a cluster bomb to Goodwill? (2 replies)
  54. Ass-lifters don't like Palestinians as well (6 replies)
  55. IDF Neutralizes Sand Nigger Infiltrators (1 replies)
  56. Son of Hamas leader admits Hamas DGAF about asslifters and only use them as cannon fodder (1 replies)
  57. Air Canada fires Muslim pilot for calling for genocide, libtards cry "Islamophobia" (5 replies)
  58. Muzzie mommy arrested for choking, beating and burning her sproglet with hot oven rack for burning her pita and not wearing hijab (4 replies)
  59. Penn students "We want Jewish genocide" (4 replies)
  60. Feel good video: Goatfucker shoots itself in the head (4 replies)
  61. 500 sandniggers killed in Gaza hospital explosion (3 replies)
  62. Great Muzzy Cartoon (3 replies)
  63. Rag head bar-b-que (8 replies)
  64. Harvard Students Supporting Hamas (15 replies)
  65. Too many Finns in...Finland (7 replies)
  66. Global Jihad declared by asslifters Hamas on October Friday the 13th (4 replies)
  67. Asslifter Hamas terrorists attack Israel (1 replies)
  68. Palestinians marching around the body of a young Israeli woman (3 replies)
  69. Live TV HEALTHPAKISTAN Pakistan: Cousin marriages leading to genetic disorders (0 replies)
  70. Asslifter gangs in Sweden start health clinics to defraud the Swedish welfare health system (2 replies)
  71. Now SWEDEN has a travel advisory (5 replies)
  72. Dr. Muhammad, imported from Pakistan to work at The Mayo Clinic, vibrantly enriches the world of medicine (1 replies)
  73. Brits give grant to Muzzie who held a sermon on how to stone women. (5 replies)
  74. Muzzies try to snatch girl off the streets of London (0 replies)
  75. Princess Di's father in law mohamed receives his goatwings (5 replies)
  76. France cracks down on Muzzie females wearing their silly outfits in school (5 replies)
  77. Beware of Mohammed the "White Supremacist Neo-Nazi" (2 replies)
  78. France: Mohammed rapes and tortures women with a broomstick (1 replies)
  79. Gay sex al-dik video of "Islamic Guidance" Iranian regime official Reza Tsaghati leaked to Iran's chagrin (0 replies)
  80. Who will libtards chose? (0 replies)
  81. Ass-Lifting POS Murders 3 Cops, Injures 1. MSM Has Their Heads Up Their Collective Ass (0 replies)
  82. group raping of a German female in Spain - Media claims rapists were "German" (4 replies)
  83. We won't say it's a muzzie invader, but... (4 replies)
  84. 19 Democrats call for US to block Israel from Visa Waiver Program (3 replies)
  85. Iraqi sandmonkeys storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad 'cuz rapefugee burned a quran @ the Stockholm Mosque (2 replies)
  86. Iran developing their own Call Of Duty videogame about cameljockey/Russia alliance defeating the US (0 replies)
  87. Assslifter 'refugee' rapemonkeys gangrape and murder Polish tourist girl on Greek Island of Kos (0 replies)
  88. 800 Muzzies slither into England over the weekend. (1 replies)
  89. 500+ Syrian sandniggers rockfish when a refugee boat sinks in the Aegean Sea (5 replies)
  90. Berlin - elementary school party (9 replies)
  91. Top Palestinian officials deny Jewish history in Israel (0 replies)
  92. ACLU, always fighting for rights of border niggers (0 replies)
  93. Mohammed owns a restaurant (0 replies)
  94. Londonstan has fallen (6 replies)
  95. Gaddafi in 2006: IzSkum will conquer the West without firing a shot (2 replies)
  96. Muhammads literally shit where they eat, and they brought it to London. (8 replies)
  97. London muzzie accidentally stabs wife 36 times. (4 replies)
  98. We forgot to celebrate asslifter month (4 replies)
  99. Ass lifter 8th grader wrestler polluting MAINE punches human match winner in the FACE (3 replies)
  100. You guys see that video of the Dalai Lama shoving his tongue down a sand nigger's throat? (2 replies)
  101. Rishi Sunak is a cock sucker. (0 replies)
  102. Brace yourself for what London looks like today. (0 replies)
  103. Churches being turned into mosques. (0 replies)
  104. Love The King's Gaurds!!! (3 replies)
  105. Clarissa Ward is lucky the ass-lifters didn't give her the Lara Logan treatment. (2 replies)
  106. Radio station shut down for playing music (10 replies)
  107. There is no such thing as a good Muslim (4 replies)
  108. Pakistani terror group of londistan (0 replies)
  109. Ungrateful Muhammads covered by an Irish comedian. (1 replies)
  110. Muhammad CRIES LIKE AN INFANT after he gets caught perving on children. (1 replies)
  111. Massachusetts Bill Privileges Muslims in State Government (0 replies)
  112. Sand niggers in UK tell UK veteran "more of you should have died in Afghanistan" (0 replies)
  113. I hope you guys have been following the channels I've been posting. (0 replies)
  114. Germany: 12yo girl gets stabbed by two other minor girls (1 replies)
  115. Sandnigger attempted to rob his own son at knifepoint at an ATM in Glasgow (0 replies)
  116. Disgusting Pakistani "human issues" YouTube channel (0 replies)
  117. Pakistan has the world's most beastiality searches (0 replies)
  118. Iranian sandnigger stalks and then shoots his ladylove crush podcaster and her husband mohammed before self goatwinging (4 replies)
  119. Germany: railway company equips employees with body cameras (0 replies)
  120. Another Muhammad raped a 30 year old woman in the UK. (0 replies)
  121. Muhammads don't even want to be in our countries. (1 replies)
  122. Stank she boon LGBTQ non-binary muslim nigger Oklahoma State Rep hides a fugitive from the law (3 replies)
  123. Muhammad stabs 10 year old Swedish girl in the belly. (3 replies)
  124. Do we have any Jewish chimpers? How do they feel about radical Islamists planning to kill them where they live? (3 replies)
  125. Paki Rape Grooming Gangs: Britain's Shame (0 replies)
  126. Paul Joseph Watson has this covered down pat. (0 replies)
  127. Syrian Ass-Lifter rapes 15yo girl, gets probation (Germany) (1 replies)
  128. The holy day of the Muhammads is coming up. Get ready, folks. (0 replies)
  129. The grooming gangs of Britain (0 replies)
  130. Assliftin' Mustafa buys Lamborghinis & Ferraris with millions stolen from COVID relief (1 replies)
  131. Muhammads threaten a CHILD over a withering copy of the q-ran! (1 replies)
  132. The UK is handing out billions of dollars to any country ending in "istan" (0 replies)
  133. Pedo imam given jizzlamic funeral (2 replies)
  134. "Sadiq Khan's London, 2023" (3 replies)
  135. Great Place To Troll Goat Fuckers (3 replies)
  136. Mohammad busted with 19 stolen vehicles in his South Phoenix AZ chop shop (1 replies)
  137. Paki man muhdicks 30 sheep in Saudi babaria (5 replies)
  138. UK iranutan mudlime pedo Homayon Narouzzad (1 replies)
  139. Mohamed stabs 6 people at Paris train station.*video* (0 replies)
  140. Professor fired for showing famous painting of Muhammad (4 replies)
  141. Islam allows beastiality (7 replies)
  142. Filthy Nigger Vermin and AssLifters Responsbile for over 80% of Attacks on Jews in Nig York City (6 replies)
  143. Asslifter exposes his ass to the judge during court trial (1 replies)
  144. man set on fire after helping 'rabs (2 replies)
  145. Karim uses pedestrian's head as a baseball in NYC.*video* (4 replies)
  146. Mudslime Cuts His GF's Head Off in Killadelphia (5 replies)
  147. Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada bringing back sharia law hobbies like beheadings, amputations and stonings (3 replies)
  148. Filthy AssLifter Chops up his Live-in Partner into 35 Pieces (5 replies)
  149. Germany: Allah Akubar Somalicoon kills three people with machete, YT is racist (3 replies)
  150. Goat fukr sets restaurant on fire, but released next day, NYC (6 replies)
  151. Mozzie Witch Doctor Calls for the Murder of Pregnant Women and Children/Infants (7 replies)
  152. Poor Muzzies in CALGARY aren't getting enough free money! (2 replies)
  153. Goat Fuckers Murder 100+ Goat Fucker Children (Shia/Sunni)... (7 replies)
  154. Biden: "Bend over and open your backdoor for the goat fuckers" (7 replies)
  155. More Fun Than Pissing On Monkeys! (2 replies)
  156. Ass-lifter: "In 10 years Denmark belongs to us" (22 replies)
  157. In Sweden, "Rape capital of Europe" women are arrested for carrying pepper spray. (2 replies)
  158. Bomb-Maker Who Killed 202 Aussies in Bali Set Free by Indonisian Gov't... (8 replies)
  159. Salman Rushdie was stabbed on stage in NYC (20 replies)
  160. What will happen if all arabs will disappear from the face of the earth? (7 replies)
  161. Goatwings for al Qaeda leader Zawahiri (6 replies)
  162. Sand nigger rapes 11yo girl in Berlin (Germany) (20 replies)
  163. Please, try not to laugh (1 replies)
  164. Osman the truck driving man rapes the hotel clerk (13 replies)
  165. Iran sandniggers prepare for electromagnetic pulse electric grid blackout warfare with the U.S. (0 replies)
  166. Arab American Heritage Month: 'Being counted as White doesn't reflect our day-to-day experiences' (12 replies)
  167. For Your Collection (11 replies)
  168. Ottawa cops batwing Babak, stabby, crazy Muzzie (4 replies)
  169. Kafir: Islam’s Hateful Views on 'Infidels,' or All Non-Muslims (1 replies)
  170. Sweden reaps the fruit of its diversity politics (7 replies)
  171. Asslifter government worker arrested for helping asslifters get fake IDs (2 replies)
  172. Israel: Fourth terror atack within the last three weeks, 14 deaths (0 replies)
  173. BREAKING NEWS!!!... Mozzie Scum go after subway with bombs and bullets.. (8 replies)
  174. Fake DHS agents Arian & Haider infiltrate Jill Biden's security detail (1 replies)
  175. Christian Teacher Butchered by Mozzie Scum.. Why?? Someone Had a DREAM this Teacher Insulted the Prophet Child Molester (0 replies)
  176. Pakistan: Three (female) ass-lifter teachers behead a forth one, because of "blasphemy" (0 replies)
  177. Your Tax Dollars at Work... Voice of America Sued for Spewing Pro-Islamist Filth (0 replies)
  178. Switzerland: Sand nigger who behaded his wife whines at court (0 replies)
  179. This simply says it all..... (3 replies)
  180. Mudslime sow stabs her date during sex as revenge for the U.S. drone strike killing of Iranian General (14 replies)
  181. Mohammed hires a hitman to kill his daughter Yasmina after she converts to Judaism and starts making porn (9 replies)
  182. Muahahahahah: Merkel gets her purse stolen (0 replies)
  183. Bloodthirsty tiktok mudslime she sows run Hashim and Saqib off the road killing both (0 replies)
  184. I Have a Question (5 replies)
  185. Farts are a gift from allah (piss be upon him) (6 replies)
  186. Asslifter Courtship: Turk woman marries boyfriend who threw acid in her face, disfiguring and half blinding her (7 replies)
  187. Biden's airlifted rapefugee charges Police Officers with a knife whilst screaming “Allahu akbar.” (0 replies)
  188. Donate to build the largest asslifter center in NYC! (1 replies)
  189. Afghan "migrants" pissed off at having to change hotels all the damned time (3 replies)
  190. The all arse lifter city council and mayor (3 replies)
  191. Russia and Belarus stage military drills as Muzzie crisis worsens (0 replies)
  192. The wages of burning sand: "TikTok star" asslifter stabs wife and her new boyfriend (0 replies)
  193. Bill Gatus' daughter is a sand shark (7 replies)
  194. Boulder mass killer found "incompetent" and won't stand trial (0 replies)
  195. Man disguised as fat blak ho throws acid on x girlfriend (5 replies)
  196. Bahrullah brings the magic of Bacha Bazi (pedo al-dik of little boys) to the U.S. as imported rapefugee (2 replies)
  197. Pig on flight to Porto Rico chokes attendant, wants to die (3 replies)
  198. Sandmonkey attempts to break into cockpit, strangles flight attendant on JetBlue Flight (1 replies)
  199. "Evacuees" got their al-dikk on with a female service member at Fort Bliss NM (8 replies)
  200. Biden's newly imported religion-of-peace rapemonkeys already up to pedo al-dik (3 replies)
  201. Pack of feral sandmonkey activists attack Jewish diners outside sushi bar while screaming epithets (2 replies)
  202. 50,000 Afghans incoming (8 replies)
  203. CreditOne Bank commercial is HILARIOUS (4 replies)
  204. Educated Doon Coon is butt hurt and trashes American Flags (0 replies)
  205. U.S. government building 8 "small cities" to house Afghanistan "refugees" (5 replies)
  206. Britney Spears and sand nagger (12 replies)
  207. Toronto receptionist stabbed to death - religion of peace (3 replies)
  208. Knife attack in New Zealand by member of Religion of Peace (0 replies)
  209. Taliban punish gay man by al-dikking him before beating him up (7 replies)
  210. Germany never learns. (2 replies)
  211. We just armed the Taliban and the real reason for the pullout (3 replies)
  212. Video of Afghan trying to figure out gun works (14 replies)
  213. Well Now, There's Some Crack Troops! (1 replies)
  214. Germans have finally realized that murderous, psycho Muzzies might not be suitable for human culture (3 replies)
  215. What's Wrong With This Picture? (4 replies)
  216. Why Did The Afgan Security Forces Fail You Ask? UNBELIEVABLE (0 replies)
  217. Picture This... (7 replies)
  218. Afghan Wars: Return of the Durka.. (10 replies)
  219. Leave the devil's spawn in the Middle east. (1 replies)
  220. France is doomed. 11 of their own people are allow to harrassed a anti islamic girl. (6 replies)
  221. Toronto Muzzie runs down and kills veteran officer. (8 replies)
  222. Two muslims rape and murder a 13 year old girl. (13 replies)
  223. Muzzies in Quebec squawk about "systemic raycism" after baby is taken away. (1 replies)
  224. Sandmonkey school board member tells graduating sandnigger immigrant students to remember jihad (1 replies)
  225. Doing what they do... (7 replies)
  226. An asslifter scorned: Alia stalks her ex across the country (0 replies)
  227. The infiltration continues: first asslifter federal judge has been confirmed (2 replies)
  228. Muslim child rapist thinks it did nothing wrong (14 replies)
  229. Why so much violence against women in Austria, of all places? (5 replies)
  230. Asslifter Flagship 'Kharg' Burning And Sinking Off Coast Of Oman, Nobody Dindu Nuffins.... (5 replies)
  231. Superbusy sandmonkey Ali rips cross off Church, burns American Flag, sets fire to a Yeshiva & Synagogue and then attacks a Hasidic (5 replies)
  232. "No motive" stabbing in Amsterdam, 1 dead, 4 injured, and why do I smell SAND NIGGER? (2 replies)
  233. Peace-loving muzzies behead son for being ultra-gay (8 replies)
  234. I'm so shocked, a dune coon fraudulently applied for COVID funds and spent them on expensive cars (2 replies)
  235. We have to feel bad for the MH370 jihad pilot, he was so "depressed" (0 replies)
  236. Mohamed self-deletes after luring cop to ambush, one cop wounded (9 replies)
  237. France's Macron Loves Him Some Asslifters.... (3 replies)
  238. Sandnigger TV show prank kidnaps people while posing as jihadists (9 replies)
  239. France ass lifters: Water is racist (3 replies)
  240. Asslifter Tlaib Wants to End Policing (8 replies)
  241. Iranian asslifters scream 'nuclear terrorism!' after power blackout at atomic facility (5 replies)
  242. Great, Democrats are resuming "aid" to the Palestinian dune coons (1 replies)
  243. Some soccer player defames china. Loses business. (1 replies)
  244. ISIS & Al Qaeda praise sick Boulder mudslime asslifter gunman (2 replies)
  245. Religion of Peace suicide bombers attack Indonesian church, fortunately kill only themselves (1 replies)
  246. Another mass shooting. (18 replies)
  247. Gambian (muslim sheboon) at ICC launches investigation into Israeli, Palestinian war crimes (1 replies)
  248. Filthy Gangbanging Mudslime Rapefugee GETS NO PRISON TIME FOR Violent Rape of a Swedish Teen (4 replies)
  249. The sandniglet who got her teacher beheaded didn't even go to class (7 replies)
  250. Pregnant sandmonkey 'refugee' sets herself on fire- gets charged with arson LOL (4 replies)