The sheboons the demoncrats put in place are mystifying.
I'm so relieved this rotting nation somehow found the balls to vote Trump and say no to everything the Disgusting Party tried to force upon...
So what was wrong with letting 10,000 Hayshee savages slither in at the border? THEY ARE JUST LIKE US.
I wonder how many voodoo priests and machetes came with them.
I think the Woketurd army bitched about the lack of niggers on that show, the way they whined about no gays AND about niggers getting batwinged on "Dexter."
Even though she has been completely contaminated with nigger juice, she is still pretty hot. /QUOTE]
I suppose "hot", like "beauty" is in the eye of the observer. There is something within my...
Here's a list of the 60 most dangerous cities in the world. The US has fully 10 of them. And each and every US city so listed is a nigger fuxxed cesspool with the exception of San FranShithole. ...
Well he did have a good motive to save his son. But the few episodes I saw seemed like a negro magician's convention in that there were so many magic niggers in it.