:lol Yeah. The things showcased on this site would once have had me reeling with shock, disgust, and horror. Now? This, when compared to the other unthinkable atrocities committed by niggroes, just...
It had planned to fill at least 50 percent of positions with women or non-whites.
The post Amazon Studios Quietly Steps Back From Diversity Goals Amid Trump DEI Crackdown appeared first on American...
Black History Month is also gone.
The post Google Calendar Deletes Women’s History Month and Other Cultural Events appeared first on American Renaissance.
Well, they're sandniggers - same instincts as regular niggers but with the addition of a murder cult ingrained since childhood. No empathy for anything, not even each other, except the fake kind they...
Yes, who are these traitorous murder-loving child-hating FREAKS who "fear" for his safety? I hope I live to see these bastards dragged to their public executions.
I'll have to assume it's better. I'll never make comparisons since just the very thought of touching a nigroid makes my flesh crawl. So disgusting.
Sheboons are filthy, depraved, vicious...
Oh, my goodness, yes! We can't have one wooly clump on its empty head being harmed. Three little girls savagely murdered? Well, yeah, okay, whatever - but let's keep the feral who murdered them safe...
Oh..... I made it a point to find the filthy nigger PIECE OF SHIT who did this... And what did the MSM call him?? A 'Welsch Teenager'... Look at those eyes...
Right. Just like us. I'm sure there are Caucasian societies still living in the Stone Age.
What the mudsharks and niggers don't seem to get is that if you scratch the surface of any...
While I was away from the forum for a while, two teenapers were tearing around a local parking lot in a Mercedes SUV. It was a stroke of luck that I thought to have a few more sips of coffee before...
Intimacy with white men, or any human, by a negress is abominable as it is against nature. It's just disgusting and morally reprehensible. Even if you're not religious, humans ought to know what's...
Texans will not tolerate the proliferation of Islamists in their state. You can bet they'll oppose this in many ways, the legal way, the discussion way, and the Texan way.
She was shot in an argument over money. So the snake headed boot lipped nigger stole money from it’s mudshark,lied about it,then killed her because She probably called the nigg on his bullshit!...