Unfortunately only the male niglet was batwinged. https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/4-year-old-son-funeral-father-murder-domestic-violence-baltimore-county/
Of course it is YTs fault that the...
By the names, sounds like the victims were a sow and 3 sowletts/felon factories. So no real harm was done. Just that next time, it could be humans.So the nigger needs a real punishment, not liberal...
If you’re dumb enough to pay $7 for a cup of coffee, you deserve to be served by a dirty nigger! I’ve never been to Starfuck’s and I never will! Fuck them and they’re liberal fucking policies....
The goat fucking/rapeape fuck’s head should be displayed in the streets as an example of what happens if you harm a human. anything short of that will not accomplish anything.Muslin beasts only...
Why rethink anything regarding Africa? Just don't give them anything, not a cent! More money, more food, medicines, for what, for them to procreate more sub-simian uglies? I'm tired of hearing and...
The video you linked isn't one of the Supported Formats, therefore it will be a link only. When you click the "Film" icon it shows which are supported.
Yes, that greedy sow will soon be heaved...
“More female and less white.”
The post Missouri AG Accuses Starbucks of Violating Anti-Discrimination Laws appeared first on American Renaissance.
The entertainment giant will restore politically incorrect classics to their original form.
The post America’s Wokest Company Disney Makes Major Changes to Classic Films as It Banishes DEI appeared...
Pray for the cops. They have to wrangle these wild, nigger animals every day. And get castigated for it while just doing the right thing.
Dem mayor blasted for extending sympathy to suspect killed...
Not that I give damn, this pig will be dead soon enough. The irritating part is that we paid for that.
Oh yeah, hey mods, how do I know when posting a video, if it will show-up as a...
Pasco killed Jesus and the mother Edith. Well it would have been funnier if her name was Mary. No great loss, the felon factory got shut down and its first production run didn't start when pulled off...
It's too bad we can't have an eye for an eye as it used to be. The rapefugees may think twice if this was visited back upon their arses in double amounts of unsanded plywood. Of course, they are...
That nigga be gone!
Filthy mudshark whores, wallowing and rutting with niggers and shitting out a bunch of mutant sprogs don't just endanger themselves, but their families as well and...
From the way that Jeebus nigger was ooking in the video, you'd think the Proud Boys threw a bomb in his ghetto church during his sermon, not rip a shitty $100 "Nigger Lives Don't Matter" banner off...
It’s always great to hear about a burner being killed. After all, death is the only cure after they allowed themselves to be contaminated. As far as the nigger’s story, it’s a lie. Anything that...
I am Jewish but I hate to admit it sometimes. A lot of Jews are stuck in some 1930s - 1960s time-warp where all the good lefties along with the poor shit colored lowlives are fighting the big bad...