This story doesn't make sense, why would the daughter allow this crimigrant anywhere near a guy that old. Significant other? Did dear old dad go gay, dang.
Nigger Vodoo. This nigger learned that beating the tard with a stick dindu nuffins so it tried the next nigger trick and pulled it's dick. The only thing left in this niggers arsenal is to ty to eat...
This almost has to be a white shark, I can't give a sow credit for thinking far enough ahead to give the asslifter the wrong room number on purpose. Well she probably hasn't learned anything and will...
In addition to being a career criminal, maybe she's also a grief counselor.
Either an ignorant trailer trashy burner or a sow in estrus. Who else is going out alone with some nigger/spigger/muzzie they hooked up with online with the intention of gettin' it on in a Motel 6?
The ending is always the same. Another name for mudshark mortuary.I really wish I could figure out how to make the site act normal. I will be glad to hear from other trustees in a separate forum some...
Thank God this groid and his would be mudshark had not been able to reunite. Just think of all the future felon factories they could have spawned. And all the tax ca$h would have been paid to clean...
I've had cats my whole life and I suppose I must have gotten all the genetically defective ones.
The only instincts mine ever had were to hunt Little Friskies, lay around licking their balls and...
Yup and I hope that the bearded douche-bag becomes a disparaging Internet joke if 'he' hasn't already.
Oh, in case I'm late to the party and just haven't seen this before...I found a new "nigga...
WTH? I can say with total honesty that when I was a 21-year-old, not one of my friends was a big, ugly, rampaging nigger buck. But it's hard to blame the girl, no doubt a product of...
OMG. I tried, but I cannot listen to that mealy-mouthed, useless nu-male, weepy nigger lover. It's infuriating. Too bad the murdered pastor didn't have a bunch of advocates there when the nigger...
Yes, I know. I've had and loved cats (and many other pets) all my life and spent years doing rescue with them. I'm not comparing beautiful cats with niggers in any way. I'm saying that niggers work...
I’m a cat person, so I take offense when you compare a demon beast worthless fuck useless sack of shit destructive nigger to a kitty cat. Cats are hunters. They were bred to hunt rodents. It is...
I always think it's funny when, after a nigger is wrangled for committing some heinous, savage crime, humans try to figure out what the "motive" was.
To me, that's like trying to figure out my...
Dragging, grabbing, or fondling of muh dik is useful for many things, including CPR, like this nigger knocked unconscious in some stupid nigger fight club.
Start at 00:30 Comments are hilarious.