You may (or may not) remember a post I made about about shootings at nigger funerals?
I said eventually some nigger will get smoked at the funeral of some other ape who got shot at a funeral. A...
My family enjoyed the Hercules and Xena shows. I was old enough to "appreciate" Xena, what can I say? While my younger sister liked a strong female lead, and I did too, I'm pretty sure my parents...
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? Imagine going through medical school, only to start at the equivalent of $46K a year for saving lives, while a nigger is making $176K to tell you how racist and...
A friend of mine says the Proud Boys is all a setup by the Deep State. I don't know about that, especially when the same friend says January 6th was completely staged to the last person, and nobody...
In the one year (one year too long) that I tried teaching, I didn't get far enough to hear that excuse. But I did hear, "Oh, I can't believe he did such a thing, he's NEVER like that at home!"
She might have been considered pretty if she'd stuck to our species, except for the disgusting prison-level tattoos on her arms.
So this buck's dead and gone. Let her find another and get...
It's never a bad thing when the world loses another betacuck. Unfortunately the lesson won't be learnt on all the other libtards that don't know enough to stay away from niggers, and more...
I merged the AirTNB thread into this one, so that maybe newcomers can check out or long-running conversation about all the bestiality in advertising, always in our face every day.
Maybe he shouldn't have ass raped her so often: They have Disqus comments.
Yes, it's those awful guns again. Just going around shooting people to death for no reason. And for some reason there always seems to be a nigger in the general vicinity when this happens. :lol
Gun violence must be to blame.
Only 5K? Wow.
Just like us.
Niggers know no solemnity, decorum, respect, morality. But one could not really expect it from a species that is so backwards, it's still practically a species of animals.
Stray bullets batwinging niglets. Nigga just be wantin' to drum up more bidness!
Two things niggers are so well-known for. Those groids are so often hilariously and unintentionally ironic.