San Francisco is where free-range niggers are allowed to rob and pillage stores without any consequences, as long as the theft is under $1,000. That all those businesses are leaving doesn't seem to...
Why is no one squawking about a dreaded "WALL" being built to keep savage, cannibalistic niggers out? Those groids should be thankful they didn't get shot.
The cages are a nice touch. :lol Maybe...
I have been to Haiti. It’s a nigger cess pool. Let em eat their own. The Clinton foundation will continue to import them until Hillary can’t drink any more of their niglets blood.
Diversity hiring is a real thing. Over the last 3 years I have personally sat for job interviews for positions that I am more than qualified for, only to be denied time and time again. I have seen...
Desperate Haitians Who Fled to the Dominican Republic Are Being Sent Back in Cages
Examples of nigger...
"I want to say I’ve earned every single thing, but as a white person, there is privilege."
The post Caitlin Clark Slammed by Megyn Kelly for ‘Apologizing’ for Being White in Time Magazine Interview...
I love it when they accurately quote and include the horrible, ignorant grammar.
"Turquoise" is a nigger name. Are we sure this niglet factory was a mudshark?
How many sprogs did that...
The Jew lawyer and adviser to presidents past and future Alan Dershowitz has chimed in on this and says that this case has no merit and won’t or shouldn’t anyway make it past the motion for...
I enjoy it when a silverback gets wrangled. Typically they thin that by this time they are above normal nigger suspicion. Age will never take the tnb out of a nigger.
Who has the meme of white people sailing the seas and discovering America while the ass lifters fuck goats, followed by the white people starting the Industrial Revolution and then going to the moon...
I am glad the jury made the right choice. Charges should never have been brought in the first place. This was a chimpout that was put down before humans could be injured. Well done marine. What will...
The nigger really IS the weapon of the left against rational, decent humans. That page at AmRen shows more than enough proof of this, with one jaw-droppingly INSANE leftist rant after another on...
Turquoise President may be the most amazing nigger name I've seen yet, but his isn't bad either. Like "where's my muhfuggin sevance pay, cracka?"
But then he'd have to have a job before he could...
Ironically, he was arrested while riding the bus, lol.
Funny, but I can't remember a single instance in my long life on this planet of White folks going on the rampage because some fucked-up violent YT junkie got killed, whether by a cop or a civilian....
If a Nigger - or anyone for that matter killed my son and my wife, I guaran-goddamn-tee you that creature would have its (redacted) cut off and (redacted). Then I'd douse it with (redacted) and...
Daniel Penny is a great role model, proving it IS possible to defend yourself against savage niggroes and not end up in prison. Is it possible the insanity/nigger worship is nearing the end?
Diversity-mongers are living in a "climate of fear."
The post Trump Promises a Crackdown on Diversity Initiatives. Fearful Institutions Are Dialing Them Back Already appeared first on American...